Thanks to a massive shift in technology, companies are starting to adopt flexible work arrangements for their employees. Companies are incorporating flexible work schedules, which involve giving employees the freedom to arrive and depart from work at varying times. This change in the professional landscape has proven to be beneficial for employers looking to increase business profits. Even human resources professionals are supporting the initiative; urging more employers to bolster their efforts towards this kind of set-up. Here are the main reasons why you should welcome flexible work schedules.
Read MoreWhy You Should Consider Flexible Work Schedules
Topics: increase profit, customer loyalty, rewarding staff, trade dollars
Product Range: Is it better to specialise or diversify?
It’s an age-old dilemma. Diversifying your product range can help you meet a broader range of customer demands, but will it spread you too thin? Devoting your resources and energy to a narrower product range may ensure greater quality, value, and market share, but do you risk putting all your eggs in one basket?
Read MoreTopics: attract new customers, save cash, build business networks, branding, unrealised potential, increase sales, business needs, customer loyalty, marketing
Short-Term Goals to Aid Your Long-Term Business Vision
Businesses set long-term goals to help them measure their success. However, as a business owner, you must also set attainable and specific short-term goals that support the bigger picture. Invest time to create scalable plans that will accelerate your business along the path toward your long-term vision. Here are examples of short-term goals, which can pave the way towards achieving your long-term objectives.
Read MoreTopics: strategy, small business, goals, increase sales, business needs, customer loyalty, trade dollars
Learning to say No in business
Being in business usually means opening your doors to everyone, welcoming them in, building relationships and ultimately agreeing to do business together. Sounds simple, right? It can and should be. However, there are situations that can test you and one of the big tests is being able to say ‘No’ when you need to.
Read MoreTopics: small business, business blog, unrealised potential, business needs, customer loyalty
Four Reasons Why Customer Loyalty is So Important
Most business marketing efforts are split between the competing goals of customer acquisition and customer retention. While new customers translate directly to more business, and greater opportunities for expansion, every business still needs its share of loyal customers to remain afloat. Establishing customer retention as an integral part of your larger marketing strategy is important for the long-term success of your business. Even big corporations rely on their customer loyalty strategies for their business to run smoothly! Find out some of the perks of having loyal customers for your business.
Read MoreTopics: attract new customers, increase sales, business needs, networking, customer loyalty
The Little Things That Help Your Business Attract New Customers
Businesses are always looking for more ways to get more customers. Without well-defined objectives and a well-planned marketing strategy, it can be a challenging task, to say the least. What business owners need to know is it all starts with defining your business goals, reviewing who you are as a brand, and what strategies are most suitable to employ when it comes to acquiring new customers and sustaining the ones you have. In short, businesses need to be open to improving their sales and marketing sector for their company to grow. There are no shortcuts when it comes to attracting, converting, and retaining customers. However, there are little ways to make your business more visible to potential customers.
Read MoreTopics: attract new customers, build business networks, increase sales, business needs, customer loyalty
Why You Need a Customer Loyalty Program
No amount of money can buy customer loyalty. If a company’s product or service is good and trustworthy, customers will inevitably come back to support that brand. However, no matter how good a product or service may be, businesses still need to come up with effective customer loyalty strategies to build customers’ trust, improve customer interaction, increase engagement, and actively retain them after their first purchase. Today we look at reasons why a loyalty program is an effective strategy in retaining existing customers and gain new ones.
Read MoreTopics: strategy, small business, attract new customers, branding, customer loyalty